Friday, April 6, 2012

Waring Seasons

As is not too unusual for this area, we've been getting the occasional sweep of snow coming through between days of 50 and 60 degree weather!  Spring and winter are fighting for control and while I know that spring will eventually win out, it makes any outdoor gardening a bit dicey.  Between the snowy days, I've been working to harden of some of the hardier plants that should be going out soon.  The rest of the seedlings are thriving and I'm starting to run out of room in the window, so getting some of the plants moved out will help a lot.

In spite of the snow, some of the more long term garden plants are just trucking along like it's business as usual.  The garlic I got from the Farmers Market and planted last fall has pushed it's way to the surface.  Go little guys!

The raspberry buds are already starting to open.  At this rate, they probably be the first of our bushes and trees to have full leaves on.

The marigolds, tomatoes, eggplants and bell peppers have been transplanted into larger containers.  The Marigolds have had to move to the back window!

That's it for today, folks.  Happy gardening!